Inspire the discoverer in you!10-16+ Years 

Educational set for children of age 10+The young explorer will assemble the model of a bridge designed by Leonardo da Vinci and learn the principles behind it. The box also conatains a surprise toy.

The STEMICO magazine will reveal answers to curious questions:
• Who is Leonardo da Vinci?
• What are his most famous paintings?
• What are the proportions of the Vitruvian man?
• How to make a catapult?
• And many others!!!
Additional ideas: The set contains a surprise - parts for a catapult prototype.
• Who is Leonardo da Vinci?
• What are his most famous paintings?
• What are the proportions of the Vitruvian man?
• How to make a catapult?
• And many others!!!
Additional ideas: The set contains a surprise - parts for a catapult prototype.

The set contains all the necessary materials, parts and instructions for assembling the model.
Price 23.01 EUR