Inspire the discoverer in you!10-16+ Years 

Educational kit for children of age 10+The young explorer will assemble the model, fill the container with the favorite chewing gum or candies and have a feast :)

The STEMICO magazine will reveal the answers to interesting questions:
How is DIY born?
Where did the candies and chewing gum come from?
Why do chewing gums make bubbles?
Where is the most popular vending machine museum?
What are the strangest inventions?
And many others!!!
Additional ideas: The set contains additional ideas on how to make your own vending machine.
How is DIY born?
Where did the candies and chewing gum come from?
Why do chewing gums make bubbles?
Where is the most popular vending machine museum?
What are the strangest inventions?
And many others!!!
Additional ideas: The set contains additional ideas on how to make your own vending machine.

The set includes all the necessary materials, parts and instructions for assembling the model. For safety reasons the candies are replaced with wooden balls. The machine works smoothly with all types of round gum and candies with a diameter between 1.8 and 2.4 cm.

Price 23.01 EUR